

The following information is required to justify a sole source purchase in the Mat-Su Borough School District. Justification should be noted on the Federal Funds Procurement by Non-Competitive Proposals Request (also known as EDGAR Noncompetitive Proposal Request, PUR10) form or Exemption from Formal Bidding Requirements Request (BUSSVS15) form in the appropriate text box. Justification can also be provided on a separate letter or memo and attached. MSBSD Average Daily Rate (use when calculating training costs): Certified Staff $538.60/day, Classified Instructional Support Staff $334.50/day.

Required Documentation:

Written explanation from District employee who is a subject matter expert(s) clearly describing:

  1. Their name, title, program experience, and why he/she is qualified to speak authoritatively on the matter.
  2. Why the product or service is needed.
  3. Why the product or service is the only one that will work for the program or why the selected vendor’s unique skills and/or knowledge is the best for the program.
  4. Quantified potential time and/or cost impacts if the product/service were not purchased or a different vendor were selected. Include one (1) or more of the following:
    1. Costs to transition to another product that outweigh any potential savings.
    2. Investments in the current product (i.e., training, specialized equipment, data/research already performed, etc.) that would be lost.
    3. Voiding existing equipment warranties or maintenance agreements.
    4. Needing X number of hours to reach the same level of expertise as the selected vendor, costing Y amount more.

    Other Supporting Documentation:

    • Written explanation from the vendor clearly describing:
      • That they are the only source of the product or service and that they do not offer their product or service through dealers or resellers or, if they do, that the pricing through a dealer or reseller would be the same or higher; or
      • Their unique skill or knowledge and how they came to possess it (as presented via resume, CV, references, sample work, etc.)
    • Any documentation and/or records that support an existing District standard, or requirement that only this vendor can fulfill.
    • Documented research that demonstrates why it’s not practical to compete the services. Web search results are often used to support this.
    • Written testimony from other vendors or third parties describing their inability to provide the same unique skill or knowledge and/or supporting the requested vendor.



Article ID: 107124
Thu 5/7/20 5:02 PM
Thu 1/11/24 1:10 PM

