- Parent E-mail Listing Report U-STU602 export and upload to Lifetouch - Parent Notify
Using the Synergy Report "U-STU602" to extract your Schools Site Parent E-mail List.
- on the TAB: "Options" and you may select by a specific Grade level or range or BLANK for ALL Grade Levels at your school site.
- In the same report TAB: "Sort/Output" you may select "File Type" = CSV to provide a Listing in an sortable file view. This is the preferred file type export (.csv) for uploading with Lifetouch and your School's "Parent Notify" feature. Lifetouch has a easy How To Video in uploading this "Parent Notify"
Lifetouch changed their policy on Lifetouch employees uploading email addresses to Parent Notify. Parent Notify is a great program that sends emails to parents about picture day. Schools that don't use Parent Notify see a decrease in sales compared with schools that do use it. As we all know not everything comes out of a kid's backpack and given to the parents. These emails would reach the parents who do not order online as the parents who do order online received reminder email from that picture day is coming soon. Parent Notify is found on the school's Lifetouch Portal. The email address has to be uploaded school pacific not to the district Lifetouch Portal.