


(newly added info is marked with )
The process - See More sections below are in order
  1. ParentVUE - Parent applies
  2. Lottery Application Screens - School office staff verifies, approves or denies applicants
  3. Lottery Engine Screens - Process to tumble approved applicants randomly, or based on factors such as grade or other conditions as defined by the school. Creates Offered and Waitlisted students.
Applications will be in one of these status throughout the process:
Lottery Application Queue Screen is used during the application process to identify which students will move forward TOthe lottery
  1. 1 = Pending - App is in the Queue waiting to be Approved or Denied
  2. 2 = Approved - App is in the Queue and Approved to move to Lottery Engine
  3. 3 = Denied - App is in the Queue and Denied to move to Lottery Engine
  4. 8 = Rejected - This status occurs when there is a condition to automatically reject an application (ex. At CTHS, if a current student applies the app will be rejected since they don't need to apply)
Lottery Applications Screen shows all possible status and is the screen you will use once the application period closes and you are ready to run the lottery
  1. 4 = Offered - App has run through Lottery Engine and student will be offered placement
  2. 5 = Waitlist - App has run through Lottery Engine and student is waitlisted. They may gain placement in future lottery runs, if slots open.
  3. 9 = Cancelled 
  1. 6 = Offer Accepted - Parent has accepted student placement.
  2. 7 = Offer Declined - Parent has declined student placement OR waitlist.

General Tips

Filtering in Synergy.


Parent will fill out the Online Registration (OLR) for desired Lottery and submit via ParentVUE.

Lottery Application Queue

School sees submitted applications and approves or denies. Use this screen until you are ready to run the lottery.

Lottery Applications 

This is the best screen to use once you are ready to run the lottery, it shows all status. 

Other Lottery Screens 

Student Lottery, Lottery Runs and Lottery Outcome Screens.

Lottery Engine - IT Use

This is the process to actually fill seats and create waitlists.

After Parent Acceptance - Registration Queue

When parents accept an offer an application is complete and the student moves to the Registration Queue. This will also auto cancel any other lottery applications the student has pending.

Parent Notification, Comments on ParentVUE & Emailing Tips 

1. Notify parents from the actions dropdown 2. Add a comment that will show up on ParentVUE.  3. Email using Blackboard by exporting Student ID from the grid.



Article ID: 135917
Fri 9/24/21 8:25 PM
Thu 1/2/25 12:43 PM

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