YTD Budget Report - Charter School, Grants, and Multiple Funds



MUNIS > Departmental Functions > YTD Budget Report

  • Report options save after they have been configured. The reports options shown in this document display budget amounts for any funds, locations, functions, etc.
  • The first time you open YTD Budget Report Options, you must choose a Format Type on the Print Options Tab (select “Standard Format”) and Multiyear View on the Additional Options Tab (select “Default View”).


  1. Open YTD Budget Report (Tyler Menu> Departmental Functions >YTD Budget Report). Click SEG FIND.
    MUNIS YTD Budget Report click seg find
  2. Fund 100 (or any other specific fund e.g. 273 Title I, 300 Literacy & Development, 286 Migrant Ed: Book Program, 395 Renewal & Replacement, 500 CIP. To look at all Funds for your location leave blank). Enter Location 3-diget number, Project enter 00000 (5 zero’s), Account Type E (Expense). Click ACCEPT
    1. If a field is left blank, MUNIS will pull in All funded accounts, within the other specifications.
    2. If you would like to look at more than one search criteria, e.g. Fund, Program, or Type, use the “|” (Bar Key) to separate each selection (See Example)
    3. If you would like to exclude an option (pull everything but Salaries & Benefits – Type 2) use “!=” and the segment number you would like excluded, (e.g. Type !=2) This can only be used once per segment.   

    To ensure that the correct information is requested click Report Options each time a report is run.

    1. Verify that the YEAR/PERIOD is set to the current Fiscal year and 99 and that your Report Sequence options are correct (suggested options displayed below).
    1. Recommended Report Settings for Charter Schools or Single Fund criteria (step 2): 
    2. If a separation by Program is not needed report sequencing can be set at: 

    ii. Recommended Report Settings for multiple Fund criteria (step 2):

    1. Not highlighted, but Grant reports can now be run with Cents in Budgets by selecting that option in Format Type 
  4. Click ACCEPT then click BACK.  
    1. If you need to make an adjustment to your report options, you can click Define here and update before clicking Back.  
  5. Click the format for displaying the YTD. Most common is PDF, however Excel and Word are other options. Wait for the report to generate. 
  6. f the report does not pop up in a separate window, at the top of right of your screen the download button () will flash (depending on browser may look different than one pictured below). Click the button and select your file to open. 



Article ID: 136298
Mon 10/18/21 3:31 PM
Thu 1/2/25 12:19 PM