Flex Scheduler
Learn how to designate a 'Flex Period'.
How to create/manage 'Flex Sections' for both SIS and TeacherVUE.
How students can select available Flex Sections in StudentVUE.
See More
School Course Opt-in: Flex Period
Flex Period Definition.
Things to Note:
Enable Flex Scheduling/Search all students
Indicate Flex Period
Flex Period Section will stack if using current 4Cs period
'Unscheduled Students' will be inaccurate if using 4Cs period
If using a period not currently used, it will need to be assigned to your bell schedule/meeting pattern rotation
Teacher/Student Edit:
The Days Before for Teacher Edit and Student Edit is the number of days the teacher and student can see the Flex section in StudentVUE and TeacherVUE.
The Duration for Teacher Edit and Student Edit is the number of days before the starting of the schedule that the teacher or the student can make changes to the schedule in.
Flex Schedule Tab: Create Flex Sections
Individually by Teacher: On Flex Period Definition > Flex Schedule Tab > Create Flex Section button & input required criteria
On Section Screen > Flex Section Tab > Section is a Flex Section (must be checked to function as a flex section)
Flex Period Status
Assignments: Unscheduled Students (for flex period)
Scheduled Tab
View Flex Sections
Student Screen > Classes Tab
Class Period Attendance (if attendance taken)
See More
Screen: Flex Period Status will allow administrators to view available flex sections, view unscheduled students and schedule them into flex offerings and view scheduled students
Unscheduled Students:
Screen: Flex Period Status > Assignments tab
Select a Date and your flex Period
The first column shows Unscheduled Students for the selected date
Use the SELECT button to select students to schedule and then click either button for the staff Flex Offering you’d like to place the student into:
Add Selected Students: will add them to their flex offering and if using SVUE at your site, the student will be able to make changes to the selection
Add Selected Students and Lock: will add them to their flex offering and if using SVUE at your site, the student will NOT be able to make changes to the selection
Scheduled Students:
Screen: Flex Period Status > Assignments tab
Select a Date and your flex Period : The grid populates a list of Flex Offering student enrollments for the selected date
Use the filter options to filter for any criteria (teacher, section, room, etc.)
The Locked column indicates the student is ‘locked’ in that section and cannot make changes through StuentVUE (if using)
To delete a student from an offering, use the delete column
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Urgent/Action Needed or Home Menu>Flex Period
Offer/Closed/Add Students/Lock
Dropdown Arrow: Add to another teachers available Flex Section
If FLX Offering is marked: Not Offering it will not be visible for teachers/students to select
If FLX Offering is marked: Do Not Allow Students to Opt-In it will not be visible for teachers/students to select
If a student has been scheduled into a FLX Offering with another teacher already, it will be indicated with a small question mark (pictured)
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ParentVUE and StudentVUE School Configuration
Uncheck: Flex Schedule (to enable)
Article ID:
Mon 10/31/22 4:05 PM
Mon 12/23/24 6:45 PM