Principal Meal Application



  • Principals are encouraged to fill out the National School Lunch Program Meal Application for students who are not on the program but would otherwise qualify due to hardships. Parents/guardians may be having difficulties or major life events the are preventing them from filling out an application for their student or qualifying in the traditional way.
  • Lunch Application 
  1. Fill out the top portion of the current year’s Meal Application.  Be sure to include all siblings in the household even if they do not attend your school. 
  2. Skip Step 2 – Assistance Programs.
  3. Title: “Principal Application”
    • List Dates of contact or attempted contact. You may want to consider contacting the parent/guardian to let them know that you are filling out an application on their behalf and why if you have not already done so when contacting them initially
    • List hardship reason. Hardship reasons should be detailed and documentable. Examples could include:
      • recent death of parent
      • parent incarcerated
      • student in CPS
      • parent recently loss job/income and was main income earner
      • home burned down and family is living somewhere else and is referred to FIT
    • If these are families that could qualify for Foster, FIT or Migrant, please refer them to Federal Programs to sign up for those programs. The Principal application will in the meantime bridge the gap until the student is Foster, FIT or Migrant which will then change their meal eligibility qualification from Principal Application to whichever Federal Program they qualified for.  
  4. Fill out Principal name, Principal Signature and date, School Address, School Phone number, and Principal email address. 
  5. Send the original to Nutrition Services.You may give it to the Server-Cashier in the kitchen to come back to our office with our driver for faster service.
  6. We will process and send an email notification to the email address on the student’s account. The negative balance will remain on their meal account, and we will no longer send negative meal balance reminders weekly, but may occasionally.



Article ID: 148143
Fri 11/17/23 4:55 PM
Tue 12/17/24 11:22 AM