Personnel Request



A personnel request should be submitted by the site/location for additional personnel or authorization to compensate a current employee for time worked outside a contract or work calendar.



Procedure Steps:

  1.  In Employee Quick Links select TeamDynamix Tickets and KB articles.
  2. In the Knowledge Base, select Services and Business Service.
  3. From the service request, select ‘Personnel Request’. All Personnel Requests must be accompanied by the current fiscal year’s cost calculator. When uploading the completed cost calculator, please attach the file as a PDF file, not an excel worksheet.

  4. For Request Type, select the appropriate request for the employee, select the bargaining unit, and fill out applicable employee information.
  5. Enter the hours per day the employee will be working and the number of days requesting. The start and end date of the assignment should be updated to reflect the period the employee worked.  
  6. The account code fields are the accounts that the school or department will be using to fund the cost of the request.
  7. If the personnel request requires Federal Programs funding, the request must be accompanied by a memorandum from Federal Programs authorizing the use of federal funds. If the request is not derived from Federal Programs or directed by the Budget department, a discretionary account code should be used.
  8. The Budget department will initiate any necessary budget transfers from the discrentionary account into the correct payroll accounts for proper funding for the request.
  9. The funding source of the personnel request assigns the proper worflow for approval or denial. Requests flow through the assigned approval process.
    1. General Fund -  the request is being paid from the general fund.
    2. Federal Programs – the request must be accompanied by a memorandum from Federal Programs authorizing the use of federal funds.
    3. Office of Student Support – the request is a grant funded request and must be approved by the Office of Student Support.
  10. When submitting the funding source, a description of the requested funds must also be included.
    1. Exists in the Budget – A request was planned and budgeted appropriately for the fiscal year. An example would be ESY or Credit Recovery.
    2. Requires Additional Funding – A request that is unexpected and does not have adequate funding to cover the costs associated with the personnel request.
    3. Requires a Budget Transfer – A request that will convert costs with discretionary (type one) accounts.
    4. Converting Existing Position – A request that is using the reserves from an unfilled vacancy to supplement a different position. This request will require prior authorization from the Human Resources and Budget Departments.
    5. From Authorized Reserves – A request that utilizes funding from District reserves. This request will require prior authorization from the Associate Superintendent, the Deputy Superintendent, and the Superintendent.
  11. Provide the total cost associated with the personnel request from the cost calculator worksheet and provide the attachment as a PDF.
  12. Once all required fields have been completed the ticket can then be submitted. The request will then be processed through the approval/denial workflow for a final decision and payment.





Article ID: 152239
Tue 7/23/24 6:08 PM
Tue 7/23/24 6:38 PM

