Using the IT Service Portal (How-to)



From the landing page of the IT Service Portal you can explore the services that IT offers and find articles to guide you through technological tasks.
The site is divided into two main parts: the service catalog, and the knowledge base. The service catalog is the listing of all of the services offered to MSBSD by IT, and the knowledge base is full of how to guides to walk you through completing tasks, like connecting to the wireless network, or downloading software. You can browse the system without logging in, but you'll have to log in with your MSBSD AD username and password to make requests or to check on the status of open requests.

Service Catalog

The service catalog is the listing of all of the services offered to MSBSD by IT.

Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base is full of how to guides to walk you through completing tasks.

Workflow Approval

Users may be assigned to a Workflow proccess for approval purposes.



Article ID: 49613
Tue 3/6/18 12:21 PM
Thu 1/2/25 2:05 PM