Expense Claims ESS Reimbursement



  • MUNIS Self Service > Employee Self Service > Expense Claims
  • Expense Reimbursements are tracked and entered through ESS and reimbursed through Payroll.
  • Submit all receipts to your site Admin Secretary..


  1. Open MUNIS Self Service and sign in with your Active Directory account.
  2. Click “Expense Reports” in the right-hand menu.

  3. To add a new claim, click Add Claim or Add a New Claim.

  4. On the New Claim Page:
    1. Select EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT as the “Claim Type”
    2. Add the Department, Description, and Start date and end date (the date of the expense)
    3. Click “Continue.”

  5. On the Expenses and Receipts Page, review the details at the top of the screen. If necessary, click “Edit Details” to update the information.

  6. To add expense lines:
    1. Click on the plus sign next to “Unit Expenses”.

    2. Click “Add an Expense.”

    3. From the window that pops up::
    1. Select the type of expense from the “Expense Type” dropdown menu.
    2. Enter the quantity and cost of the item or receipt total
    3. Enter the date you incurred that expense.
    4. Enter a comment including what you purchased or the store name.
    5. Click “Save Expense.”

  7. Repeat step 6 as necessary for other items/receipts.
  8. To save your claim and add to it later:
    1. Click “Save For Later” at the bottom of the screen.

  9. To update the claim later:
    1. Sign into Employee Self Service, and select Employee Self Service > Expense Reports from the right-hand menu.
    2. Click the claim ID number.

    3. Click “Update” to add to the claim. Repeat step 6.
  10. To submit your claim, click “Review” at the bottom of the screen. Then click “Submit Claim.”

  11. Click on “Expense Reports” and the claim will be added to the list of expense claims you’ve submitted.



Article ID: 52887
Thu 4/26/18 8:04 PM
Thu 1/2/25 12:38 PM

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