This page provides information on booking the ADM Conference Rooms and reserving requested support.
Use the "See More" below for details of each conference room, to ensure the one you select will meet the needs of your meeting.
To book the ADM conference rooms for use (Best practice)
- Include the conference room in your appointment.
- Create an appointment that you send out to all of your attendees. Include the ADM Conf Rm (#) as an attendee to your appointment. This will automatically add the conference room in the location line.
- DO NOT book closer than 30 min from another event to allow for set-up/take down of that meeting.
- DO NOT book room for all day use, you must have a start and stop time.
- This doesn’t provide enough detail
- This doesn’t allow for the auto accept to work properly and your meeting could be double booked.
If you need assistance requesting Board Room Support, click the Request Service button below to work with a technician.
Request Service: Email issues