Employee Birthday List



  • In Employee Inquiry, MUNIS users can retrieve staff address lists, birthday lists, contact phone numbers, etc.
  • Lists can be exported to Excel then printed or used in a mail merge.


  1. Open Employee Inquiry (Tyler Menu > Departmental Functions > Employee Inquiry) and click SEARCH.

  2. Select STATUS: ACTIVE and your location from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click ACCEPT.

  4. After the results load, click EXCEL.

  5. From the pop-up window, select “Full Report”.

  6. A list of export options will populate. Put check boxes in the fields you want to export (i.e., First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, Address lines, etc.) then click ACCEPT.

  7. The file will generate. You may be prompted to “Open” or “Save” the file. Click “Open.”

  8. The file will open in Excel for you to sort and print (if necessary).

If this did not solve your problem, click the Request Service button below to work with a technician.

Request Service: Other Software Issues



Article ID: 56747
Thu 6/28/18 5:38 PM
Thu 1/2/25 12:40 PM