Campus User - Employees Preferred Sublist Report



Follow these instructions to run the Employees Preferred Subs List in Absence Management.


  1. Sign in to Frontline, Absence Management using the ID and PIN provided by the Mat-Su Borough School District.
  2. From your homepage, click on the “Reports” tab in the left-hand menu.
  3. Select “Report Writer”  “Report Writer” helps you pull reports that have been custom built by HR or build your own reports that would benefit your school.

  4. The Report Writer search page will come up. Change the “Show reports last run or created” field to “any time.” Change the “Access” option to “All.” Then click “Search.”

  5. A large list of all of the reports that HR has created will come up.

  6. Scroll down until you come to the “Substitute Information” header. To the right of the “Employee Preferred List” report, select “Run with New Filters.”

  7. The “Employee Preferred List” report comes up with filters that you can adjust. Click the drop down arrow, next to the “Preferred Sub List – Employee School” field and select “Contains.” Then type part of your school’s name, like “Butte.”

  8. Make sure the Active field is checked “Yes,” so that only Active subs are on this list. Then select “Run.”

  9. Another screen comes up, which allows you to select how you want the report to be created. I like to use the “Excel Compatible (csv)” option. Then select “I want to run the report right away,” or if you select “Let me know when the report is ready, you will receive an e-mail when the report is processed and ready in Absence management. Finally, Select “Run.”

  10. A pop up window will come up with the download report results. The “Excel” report icon will be green when it is finished and ready for you to view. Click the green “Excel” icon to open the report. You can also wait for the report to be e-mailed to you, when it is ready.

  11. An Excel spread sheet will come up with a list of Employees and their preferred substitutes. You can utilize this report to make sure that your employees all have preferred subs, as absences will only call out to the employee’s preferred sub list for the first 15% of the absence, so it is really important for employees to have a list of preferred subs.

If this did not solve your problem, click the Request Service button below to work with a technician.

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Article ID: 57448
Mon 7/16/18 3:57 PM
Fri 3/1/24 12:20 PM