Accounting Records Retention Schedule



Record Retention schedules assist staff in determining the proper storage requirements for documents to be maintained as active records and when those records can be destroyed.

MSBSD Records Retention: Accounting Department

Accounts Payable

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Record  Type File Type Retention (CFY +) File Details
Vendor AP Files Accounts Payable Records 3 Includes Invoice, Check copy, correspondence, and Payment Authorization, quotes etc.  Filed by Vendor
Purchase Orders Copies Accounts Payable Records 3 Purchase Order copies, for all departments, including Accounting Purchases
Utility Files (exclude telephone) Accounts Payable Records 3 Utility Invoices, check copies, correspondence, payment authorizations.  Filed by Vendor
Utility Files - Telephone Erate Program Records 5 Utility Invoices, check copies, correspondence, payment authorizations.  Filed by Vendor
Petty Cash Files Accounts Payable Records 3 Includes Petty Cash Form, Check copy, correspondence, and Payment Authorization.  Filed by School.
Parent Reimbursement Records Education Programs Student Records 5


Erate Procurement and Rev Record Erate Program Records 5


Employee Expense Audits Audit Reports (all other Records) 5 Employee Expense Audit Docs
Pcard Expense Files Accounts Payable Records 3 Detailed trail balance reports
Accounts Payable Batch Proofs Accounts Payable Records 3 Batch Reports
Student Financial Files at MCSS Subsidiary Ledger, Journals, and Registers 6 parent Reimbursements, Ledger Information by student/family
Student Financial Files at TWB Subsidiary Ledger, Journals, and Registers 6 parent Reimbursements, Ledger Information by student/family
W9s and 1099 Files W9's and 1099 information 4 1099 backup, W9s for corresponding year if vendor will not be used in future years

Accounts Receivable

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Record  Type File Type Retention (CFY +) File Details
Lunch Receipts Accounts Receivable Records 3 Includes deposit slips and sales by school/month
GBI Batches Accounts Receivable Records 3 Accounts Receivable batches and backup
ACH Warrant /Wires Accounts Receivable Records 3 Copies of wires for fiscal year
Commission Revenue Files Accounts Receivable Records 3 MTA, Vend Alaska, ATM Commissions

Audit and Finance

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Record  Type File Type Retention (CFY +) File Details
Student Activities Files Subsidiary Ledger, Journals, and Registers 6 Student Activities files include all detailed, filed by fiscal year.  Keep all until prevailing limit of 6+current year
Central Treasury Deposit files Bank transaction Records 6 Includes Payment Journals and Deposit Information.
Central Treasury Bank Reconciliatio Subsidiary Ledger, Journals, and Registers 6 Central Treasury Reconciliation Packet and central treasury school transaction ledger.
Accounts Payable Bank Reconciliati Subsidiary Ledger, Journals, and Registers 6 Includes check registers, statements, and reconciliations
Payroll Bank Reconciliation Files Subsidiary Ledger, Journals, and Registers 6 Includes check registers, statements, and reconciliations
Budget Requests Budget Revision Requests 6 Accounting initiated budget requests
General Ledger Detail General Ledgers 6 Detailed trail balance reports
Audit Box Audit Reports (Official Major Report) Permanent Audit Prep Docs
New GL Account Code Requests General Ledgers 6 Backup for requests to create new account codes
Journal Entries Subsidiary Ledger, Journals, and Registers 6 Journal Entry copies, and backup
Workers Comp. Reconcilations Permanent File/MSBSD Discretion Permanent


Vehicle Files Permanent File/MSBSD Discretion Permanent


Grant/State/Fed Revenue

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Record  Type File Type Retention (CFY +) File Details
NSLP and Medicaid Revenue Local, state, fed Revenue Records 6 Includes NSLP reimbursement requests and revenue, as well as medicaid report file
Bond Records Permanent File/MSBSD Discretion Permanent Authorization and pymnt of bonds to finance school construction,  Reimbursement Claims, expenditure copies
Legislative Grant Records Permanent File/MSBSD Discretion Permanent Authorization and pymnt of bonds to finance school construction, Reimbursement claims, expenditure copies
Grants File Folders Local, state, fed Revenue Records 6 Grant file folders



Article ID: 61493
Wed 8/29/18 4:07 PM
Thu 1/2/25 1:41 PM

