See Blackboard's Teacher Messaging help - Community Engagement Help for Teachers | Blackboard Help
- Teacher Messaging is a Blackboard product that enables teachers to communicate (email, phone, text) with parents of all students assigned to their courses.
- Staff, student and parent contact information is imported from the district Student Information System and it is updated nightly.
- Log into using your network credentials (same username and password you use to log into a district computer). This link is also located on the Employee Quick Links.
- Download the Bb Communications App on your device to be able to send messages from your phone. Login will be the same:
Use the 'Messages' tab or 'Create a Message' button to begin sending a message.
The first time you create a message a short 3 minute tutorial on creating messages will show. To watch again in the future, click on the small icon at the top right or visit
- Add a Subject, this will be the email subject title. See image below (1)
- Choose Recipients. You can search by typing a name (student or parent) in the search box. You can add all classes at once, or one at a time, by clicking on the All or P1 circle icon. (2) or (3)
- You can also choose the 3 dots at the right of the period icon, which expands the list of students in that period. You can then choose any combination of recipients in the list.(4)
- Choose delivery method at the bottom of the content window. (Email, text, phone). You will need to type (or cut and paste) the content in each window, as character limits are different depending on method. (5)
- Email - you can click on the more button for formatting options such as Bold, size, font, images, hyperlinking, html, etc. You can also attach a file.
- Text - character limit of 120.
- Phone use the drop down to see different methods of recording. You can also use text to speech.
- Set the Start Time to send the message. (6)
- Languages you can see the delivery languages that will be used. This is based on preferred language in the Student Information System.
Reports - There are two reports, you will likely only use Message Tracking.
- Filter as desired, using category, date range, delivery method and status, then Generate Report (1). You will see the title, type, start time, status, total recipients and progress.
- Click on message title to dig into the data for that message (2):
- Delivery Progress and success rate - click on the Delivery Method title above the graphic to see delivery details for each recipient
- Status information will identify issues with the contact email, text or phone number. Click on the linked status for more info, you can let the office know if there is an issue, such as invalid SMS.