OneDrive Sharing files
The most efficient and easiest way to share large files (such as videos and audio files) is to upload the file to One Drive (through Office 365) and then get a link for the file, which you can then share via email.
Best practices for security of sharing MSBSD information:
After signing in to Office 365
- Select One Drive

- In One Drive click upload, then browse to and select the video that you would like to share, then click open.

- After the file appears in your OneDrive you can choose how you want to share the file, click “only you” to change the sharing settings.

- Once you have opened the sharing settings you can then get the link. For users who do not have an Office 365 account you will want to make sure that you select an option that says “no sign in required”. If you select an option of this kind, an expiration link will become available so that you can choose for the link to expire and become unavailable for the user to access. After you have set an expiration (if desired) then click “copy” to copy the link to your clipboard.

- Example of “set expiration”:

- If a popup appears asking if you would like Office 365 to have access to your clipboard, select Allow Access so that this function is available to you.

- Once you have copied the link to your clipboard you can paste it in to any document, email or hyperlink it to a text within the email or document. This process works for any kind of file that you upload to Office 365’s OneDrive.