Bitlocker USB



Instructions below provide steps to require authentication for USB storage devices, in order to access the saved content.


On a new, formatted, USB Drive:

  1. Right click, select “Turn on BitLocker”

  2. Enter a password that meets the following criteria:
    1. A minimum of 8 characters
    2. One UPPERCASE letter
    3. One lowercase letter
    4. One number

  3. Pick a place to save your BitLocker recovery key. **This is the only way to recover your data if you forget your password.**

  4. Select "Encrypt used disk space only.."

  5. Select “New encryption mode..”

  6. Click the "Start encrypting" button

  7. When the drive is unlocked the lock icon will turn silver and be unlocked.

  8. When you insert the USB device, if Windows tries to automatically open the drive, you may see this error. This error occurs when you have not yet entered your password, and Windows does not prompt you for it when it automatically opens the drive upon inserting it into the USB port of the workstation. Click OK to dismiss the error.

  9. When you access the drive you will see the lock icon is golden and locked, double click it to open the drive.

    1. You will then be prompted for a password.

Upon successful entry of your password, you will now be able to use the drive as normal. When you remove the drive, it will lock automatically.



Article ID: 79337
Wed 5/29/19 7:13 PM
Thu 1/2/25 1:45 PM