Group Member Management



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  1. Members
    1. This is a list of users for ease of adding to a managed group. You can select multiple users.
  2. Groups you Manage
    1. This is a list of the groups the current user has “Manage” rights to.
  3. Current Group Members
    1. This is a list of members who are in the selected group form the “Groups you Manage.”
  4. Type of Users to List
    1. Here you can select a group to list for the “Members” window by typing the 3-letter school or department abbreviation. (i.e. “TCE”, “FAC”, ”CTS”)
    2. Add Staff – Looks for all staff members in the selected School/Department.
    3. Add Students – Looks for all students in the selected School.
  5. Add From
    1. From Members – Select to add users from the “Members” selection to the selected group in the “Groups you Manage” section.
    2. Search User – Search for a user then add them to the selected group in the “Groups you Manage” section.
  6. Remove from Group
    1. Remove current group members from the group you’ve selected in the “Groups you Manage” section. Members can only be removed one at a time.
    2. You will be prompted for confirmation of this action.
  7. Results Output
    1. This will display the results of the actions you have taken.



Article ID: 87340
Thu 9/19/19 11:19 AM
Thu 1/2/25 2:09 PM

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