- Boundary Exempt Applications are processed through Synergy.
- Boundary Exemptions are now processed in Synergy through what is known as the Lottery System. Families will submit a Boundary Exemption form through ParentVUE that will then be processed by designated site staff.
- See attached ParentVUE and SIS guides for parents and staff below.
- Please refer to the Synergy Lottery KB Article for further details.
Lottery Application Queue
Please note families can submit multiple forms for different sites, but no more than one application per site.
Only one school can be selected per application submission.
Even if a form is denied, a parent cannot resubmit an application for the same site.
Families can also apply for both currently enrolled students and new to the district students.
Boundary Exemptions can be in the current or new school year: Ensure you adjust your focus accordingly
- In Synergy navigate to: Synergy SIS > Online Registration: Lottery Application Queue, use the arrow to find the Boundary Exempt Request.
- You will see a list of all students that have a submitted Boundary Exemption form
- Currently enrolled students show with a hyperlink. Non-enrolled/new students, do not have a hyperlink
- There are only 3 actions:
- Approve Application
- Principal Approval is an indicator that must be marked prior to accepting the application – this is to allow for tracking of exemptions that are approved/denied
- Simply click on the Yellow Exclamation mark and in the Validation Value select: Yes and Save
- Once the Principal Approval is marked, the student can be marked as: Approved
- Deny Application
- Parents do not receive any notification of their approval/denial in ParentVUE
- Once students are Approved/Denied, they will move to the appropriate status:
- Pending
- Denied
- Approved

If this did not solve your problem, click the Request Service button below to work with a technician.
Request Service: Synergy SIS Issues