Adding Calendars on website



  • Adding Live Calendars to your Finalsite website - This article shows you how to integrate Internet calendars so that they will dynamically push events into calendar areas on your website. This includes list and grid calendars, as well as your upcoming events on your homepage.
  • Live calendars are a one-way dynamic sync to Finalsite. If you cancel or delete a calendar event from your live calendar source you will need to unpublish the event in Finalsite.
  • Calendar types (standard and live) can't be changed after creation
  • Best Calendar overview KB -


The Calendar Tools element can be used to filter, browse or search for specific events on the calendar it is attached to. It can be used on standard and live calendars.


Also called a 'standard' calendar. This calendar is added and maintained within the Finalsite platform.


This is a 'live' calendar. Add your school's outlook calendar to your Outlook client and easily manage your calendar there.


Arbiter is a 'live' calendar and is maintained in Arbiter once you set it up in Finalsite.


Brightly is a 'live' calendar and is maintained in Brightly once you set it up in Finalsite. If you want to use this please contact IT.


Google calendars may be added as a 'live' calendar and is maintained in your Google account once you set it up in Finalsite.

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