Student Assistive Technology (SAT)


Please use this page for:
  • Fall Requests
  • ESY Requests
  • AT Evaluations
  • Ongoing Support
  • Training Requests

Authorized Users:

Anyone who uses AT hardware/software who might need support.  

Request Process:

  • Select Request Service from the menu on the right.
  • Fill out the form with as much information as you can provide.
  • Your request will be picked up by the AT Specialist servicing your school. You will be contacted shortly to arrange a time to meet with the AT Specialist. After the ticket has been closed, you will be receiving a quick survey where you can provide feedback on the service you received.
More detail is appreciated and allows for faster resolution.

User Responsibilities:

  • Provide a "Short Description"issue. This will become the title of the Service Request and the title of any related emails. Please enter the nature of the ticket: Fall Request, ESY Request, AT Evaluations, Ongoing Support, Training Requests.
  • Provide a "Detailed Description" of the issue for the Service Ticket request.
More detail is better than less. For example, if the issue ONLY happens when a specific action is performed this would allow for faster and better troubleshooting.

Requirements and Prerequisites:

  • None at this time.
Request Service


Service ID: 35501
Tue 4/30/19 12:13 PM
Fri 7/19/24 2:06 PM