Staff/Student Microsoft Office 365 Install


Staff and students can use their Office 365 account to access up to 5 downloads of Microsoft Office. If you need to pass this info along to a student or parent download the attached pdf.
  1. Log into your Office 365 account by using the Office 365 link on the Employee Quick Links (
    • You will want to add "" to the end of your Network Username to log into Office 365. (ex.
  2. At the top right of Office 365 use the "My account" link to access your settings.
  3. On the My account Tab look for the Office apps & devices box. Click Install Office
  4. A pop up will open and the OfficeSetup.exe will download. If the computer you are on has Office installed you will see a "Close" button at the bottom right, otherwise it will say open and you can click on it to open the .exe file. You can also double click the .exe file to begin the install. 
  5. There is a "Need help installing?" link right next to the Close/Open button that will guide you through the installation.