Synergy Mass Email (Synergy SIS)


  • The Mass Email screen in Synergy SIS allows SIS users to Mass Email Parents and/or Students by entire grade level, group or class selection. A record of email communications will be archived on the Student and/or Parent > Contact Log tab with the category selected.

  1. Go to Mass Email
  2. Use the Filters to set the recipient parameters:
    1. Select Students and/or Parents and indicate specific grade level(s) if necessary
    2. If using the Parent Selection indicate the criteria to include
  3. Use the Email Options to include the email subject and text
    1. From Staff: Select your name for the email record
    2. Enter an Email Subject
    3. Enter a Message Body (note: you can use the collapsible triangle for additional text formatting options)
    4. Select the appropriate Contact Category for the communications history
  4. Use the Extra Filters tab to send a message by specific GROUP or SECTION
  5. Use the Attachments tab to include an electronic attachment
  6. After verifying entered parameters, click: Send Email

Please note: the Synergy email server runs nightly at 6PM at which time bulk emails will be delivered.


Article ID: 124413
Tue 1/12/21 11:35 AM
Wed 1/3/24 3:09 PM