Synergy - New Year Rollover Processes


New Year Rollover is a process to configure the next school year in Synergy. IT (Call Center) is responsible, with help from OTL and school registrars. Below are instructions for registrar tasks, with the approximate dates.

Mass Assign Students (December):

Students will be assigned a 'Next School' and 'Next Grade' for the next school year based on their current grade and address/grid code. The district registrar will provide schools their active student's assignments in mid-December and Registrars will need to adjust students who will not follow that expected enrollment next year.

New/Incoming Student (January-May):

After the initial new year rollover process is completed in January, maintenance will be required to maintain accurate next year enrollment records for incoming students. This will provide guidance on the process.

Inactivating/Withdrawing a Student (January-May):

After the initial new year rollover process has been completed in January, maintenance will be required to maintain accurate next year enrollment records for students withdrawing from a school.