- Expense Claims Allocate and Release
- Expense Claims ESS Mileage
- Expense Claims ESS Reimbursement
- Expense Claims ESS Travel Out of District
Expense Claims Allocate and Release
- MUNIS > Tyler Menu > Financials > Employee Expense > Expense Claims
- Expense Claims are used to reimburse staff for travel expenses, mileage, and out-of-pocket expenditures, as per AR4133.
- After a claim is released, it is approved by the employee’s supervisor(s). Employees are reimbursed via Payroll.
- Open Expense Claims (Tyler Menu > Financials > Employee Expense > Expense Claims).

- Click SEARCH. Type in one or more of the following terms to find pending claims for your site/department:
- Dept
- Fiscal Year
- Status 16
- Claim number (if known)

- The results will load in the screen. For each claim, repeat steps 4 through 16.
- Click UPDATE.

- A window pops up, asking if you want to change the CLAIM STATUS from 12 – Actual, Created to 11 – Actual, Entering. Click YES.

- ** If the claim will be reimbursed through a department other than your own (such as Federal Programs), change DEPT. to the appropriate department number (such as 502). Then click ACCEPT until the claim updates to STATUS 12. You are done!

- If the claim is reimbursed through your Dept, change the DEFAULT SEGMENTS to the correct account, minus the OBJECT. Make sure the code ends in 1.0. to reimburse the claim from your Discretionary Accounts.

- Verify information on the top part of the claim, making adjustments as needed. Click ACCEPT.

- Looking at the bottom of the screen, verify the information on the first tab, making adjustments as necessary. Click ACCEPT. Repeat for each TAB across the bottom of the screen.

- After you have reviewed and clicked ACCEPT for each tab, a box will pop up, asking if you want to update the claim status to Actual, Created. Click YES.

- The claim status will update to 12 – Actual, Created.
- If receipts are required (for Travel Out of District or Expense Reimbursements) click the ATTACH Icon (for TCM). Follow the standard TCM procedures to attach documents to TCM. Click RETURN when you are done attaching to TCM.

- In the top right-hand corner, click “Allocate.”

- On the allocate screen, click “Check Budgets” in the top right-hand corner.

Alternatively, click “ALLOCATE TO ACCOUNTS” – this will allow you to type in one account code to pay for the whole claim. Click ACCEPT after entering the account code.
- Click ACCEPT or BACK after verifying the money in your Discretionary account.

- On the allocation screen, click “Promote Claim to Allocated.”

- The Claim Status will update to 14 – Actual, Allocated. In the top right-hand corner, click “Release.”

- The status will change to 15 – Actual, Released and will go through the workflow for approval. To check the workflow status, click on “Approvers” at the bottom of the screen. If you are an approver for the claim, you can click “Approve” right at the bottom of the screen and be done with the claim.

If you have further issues not identified above then click the Request Service button below to work with a technician. Choose "MUNIS" in the Other Software dropdown.
Request Service: Other Software Issues