PO Receiving



  • Purchase Order Receiving allows users to record whether Purchase Order line items were received in full or partially, while viewing all lines of the PO.


  1. Open Purchase Order Receiving (Tyler Menu > Departmental Functions > Purchase Order Receiving) and enter PO Number in either search box. 
  2. Click the PO hyperlink.

  3. The PO lines will load below.

  4. If all items on the PO were received in full:
    1. Click FULL SHIPMENT in the middle left-hand side. If necessary, update the receiving date.  Enter the Packing Slip information.

    2. The Ordered amount will move to the Receiving box.

    3. Click SAVE in the bottom right-hand corner.

    4. The receiving lines will update and show they were received in full in the “Received” column and that there are 0.00 remaining in the “Remaining” column.

    5. Skip to step 6, below.
  5. If not all items on the PO were received in full:
    1. Enter quantity received in the Receiving box.

    2. Click Save on the bottom right-hand corner.

    3. The Receiving lines will update and show what has been received in the "Received" column and what is remaining to be received in the "Remaining" column.

  6. Click RETURN TO SEARCH to return to Purchase Order Receiving.



Article ID: 53317
Fri 5/4/18 3:11 PM
Thu 1/2/25 1:25 PM

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