PO Change Orders


  • Purchase Order Change Orders allow you to update an order after it has been converted from a Requisition to a Purchase Order. A PO cannot be changed if it is already closed (Status 0 – Closed).
  • After a PO Change Order is approved, the PO number will end in a -1, indicating that there is one change order.


  1. Open PO Change Orders (Tyler Menu > Financials > Purchasing > Purchase Order Processing > Purchase Order Change Orders) and click SEARCH.

  2. Type in the PO number that needs updating.

  3. Click Accept. The PO will load.

  4. To change the General Commodity, Description, Vendor, or Shipping Details:
    1. Click UPDATE.

    2. TAB to the appropriate fields and make the necessary changes.
    3. Click ACCEPT.

  5. To make changes on line items:
    1. Click on LINE ITEMS in the Icon Toolbar. 
    2. Click UPDATE

    3. Tab to the DESCRIPTION field. Type the specific reason the PO is being updated.

    4. TAB to the field(s) that need updating and make any necessary changes. (Please note that if lines need to be added to the PO, that needs to be done before making any changes to existing lines.  To do that, simply click ADD instead of UPDATE on the Icon Toolbar and fill in the appropriate information.)
    5. Click ACCEPT.

    6. Click BACK to go back to the main PO Change Order screen.

  6. Click RELEASE in the Icon Toolbar to send the PO Change Order through the workflow.

  7. The STATUS will change to “Pending” and the record will be marked as a “Change Order.”

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Article ID: 53324
Fri 5/4/18 11:44 AM
Thu 1/4/24 12:49 PM

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