navigation training for all MSBSD employees utilizing Synergy SIS. See attached file on the bottom right.
Other help:
Click "see more" at the right of each category to expand the sections.
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The only way to clear this error message is to clear your browsing data. Follow the instructions on our KB Page:
Knowledge Base: Browser: Clear History

User has been locked out
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You must contact the Call Center to enable your access.

Additional Synergy training
Accessing additional training via the Distance Learning Portal:
- Select Distance Learning Portal from the Support menu in the upper right corner of Synergy.

- A list of available courses will be displayed on the right side of your screen. Click the GO button to select a course.

- A list of lessons will be displayed. Click the GO button to select a lesson.

Screen Navigation Options
Title Bar/Lower Title Bar Area
A little information about what each item does:

- Yellow square and Synergy Logo: when you hover on the Yellow square it will show a number 01,02,or 03, this is helpful if we are having an issue to know what server number you are logged into. When you click on the Synergy logo it give information aobut the version of Synergy we are currently on.
- District logo: is just the logo, when in a training environment it show what the enviroment is.
- Focus area: you can adjust your focus to the district level or a specific school, year, active, inactive or both, each users focus will be a little different depending on their rights in the system.
If you focus to past year, the screen will be green, if you focus to future year, the screen will be tan.
- Dashboard: depending on your role you may have tasks or other items that show here. You can also have some widgets here. Announcements can be seen here as well.

- Reminders: you can set a reminder to check on a student or something else.
It will create a message at the top
and It will pop up the reminder on the bottom of your screen a few minutes before the time you set,
when ready click on the reminder and it will take you to the student/screen you set it for, when done you have to dismiss it to clear it. You can edit the reminder to set for another time. You can also see your reminder history. 
- Announcements: All announcements can be viewed here.
- Job Que viewer: if you have reports that you scheduled or printed you can see them here for 5 days.
- Quick Launch: Get to a screen with ease, type the first few letters.
- Options/Settings:See section below for details.
- Lock: This will lock your Synergy screen and you will need only enter your password to resume.
- Sign Out: When you are done you should always use the sign out button to complete your session.
- Support: Need more help on a screen use the support links.
Support will take you to the district Knowledge Base, Help will take you to Synergy help documents and Distance Learning Portal is a Synergy portal as noted above in this article. The blue ? will open Synergy help document for the screen you are on currently on.
- Share: You can share the information of the screen you are on with someone else.

Options/Settings Gear
Settings Gear has several options that help with view and navigation on the screens.
- Visual Styles:
- Lucid Interface -
- Show Full Header - if unchecked will collapse the header into the Title bar and removes the district logo from view.

- Compact View - compacts the fields on the screen you are viewing for better viewing on smaller device screens.
- Unpin Tab Panels - If unchecked and you are on the student screen for example the fields, last name, first name etc stay viewable when you scroll. If checked, these fields will scroll out of view when you scroll.
- Don't Pin Grid Headers - If checked the header row on a grid for example Student screen, documents tab will scroll out of view when you scroll down. If unchecked the Header row will stay visible.
- Large Notification Icons - Increase or decrease the size of the Notifications Icons. (Note these icons can be moved to different locations on your screen as well by clicking on the icons and drag, locations will appear where you can place them. )

- System Theme:
- Allows you to change the background color. Choose from
- High Contrast, Custom, allows you to choose the color theme you prefer. (If you choose red you may miss important messages as they are are red text)
- Prior/Future Color Mode:
- Full Screen - When your focus is set to a prior/future year it will show the fulls screen in the corresponding color
- Standard - When your focus is set to a prior/future year it will show the only the header in the corresponding color
- Features:
- Docking Area:
- Click the arrow on the bottom left of the screen.
- Click Add New Panel
- Hold the Ctrl key to click and drag the required fields to the panel. This outlines the fields in orange.
- Click and drag the fields within the panel to change their order.
- Click the X in the field to remove it from the panel
- Select a different docking panel by clicking the arrow on the bottom left of the screen and choosing the panel to view.
- Click the X on the far right of a docking panel to delete it.
- Click docked controls in the bottom right to show or hide a panel.
- UI Behavior:
- Navigation Mode:
- Standard - default appearance of Synergy.
- Accessible - This changes the interface for compatibility with screen readers programs, such as JAWS.
- Resume on Login:
- Never -Opens the Synergy SIS Home page or the screen specified as your home page
- Prompt -Displays a prompt asking if you want to return to the screen and tab you previously visited. Click the link to navigate to the screen. Select Don't remind me next time to change this setting to Never. Scroll up or down using the arrows to view your navigation history screens. Use
to open a screen in a detached window.
- Always -Automatically returns you to the screen you previously visited
- Focus Error Redirect:
- None
- Last Visited View - Takes you to the last screen you visited that is viewable to your focus.
- Home View:
- Enable Snapshots:
- No - does not give a snapshot view
- On Hover - when you hover on a field (example name field) the snapshot will appear.
- Using Hover Targets - Displays the sanpshot view only when you hover over the icon.

- AutoSave options: feature saves data when navigating to different tabs or screens
- No Autosave - This is the default option. Synergy SIS generates a warning message when attempting to move to another tab or screen without saving changes. You must manually save all information.
- Always Prompt -Synergy SIS generates a message that prompts you to save pending changes when moving to a different tab or screen. You can click Save and Continue, Undo and Continue, or Cancel. Selecting any of the continue options opens the previously selected screen.
- Autosave -Synergy automatically saves the data entered before opening the requested tab or screen. You do not need to manually click Save after entering information. (If you change something unintentionally this could casue issue.)
- Grid Detail Type: When looking at a grid of information, each line has more details, you will need to expand the line to see the details.
- Default & Show Detail - Show detail button , when you click the show detail button it will expand the the line details.

- Accordion - You will need to click on the carot to expand the line details.

Shortcuts, Tips n Tricks
Shortcuts, tips n tricks for working in Synergy
HELP: need more help on a screen use the support links. 
- Support will take you to the district Knowledge Base,
- Help will take you to Synergy help documents and
- Distance Learning Portal is a Synergy portal as noted above in this article. The blue ? will open Synergy help document for the screen you are on currently on.
- to go into Find mode: Ctrl + Shift + F
- = in field is saying equals blank
- % means not blank
- Type in and then Use the + to do/and or searches

- In a date or time field if you want today's date, use a t then tab and it will populate today's date, this can be used for time also.
- Check out the article on Checklists and Filters.
If this did not solve your problem, click the Request Service button below to create a ticket.
Request Service: Synergy SIS Issues