Discipline Incidents with dispositions of Expulsion, In School Suspensions and Out of School Suspensions are reported annually to the state. Some violations and dispositions require specific data to be reported. Throughout the year Call Center will identify incidents that need additional data entered and we will contact you to make these adjustments. Below are instructions to make the changes to an Incident based on the error.
Click "see more" at the right of each category to expand the sections.
All incidents with disposition of Expulsion or Suspension must be assigned Days in the Disposition grid
Incidents Screen: Open the Incident number
- Expand the student in the Student Involved section
- In the Dispositions section identify the Line that has Disposition Code of ISS, OSS or E
- Add the Start Date and End Date of the suspension. Remember all suspensions are reported in increments of .5 and should be reported in the Days field.

- Save and you will see the Days calculated based on the start and end dates you entered. If you miscalulated remove the Days number, change end date and save to recalculate the number of days. NOTE - Synergy currently has an issue and is NOT calculating days properly. Please add the Days field until they fix this.

All Incidents with a deadly weapon must receive a minimum 30 day suspension from school.
**Note** Administrators may reduce or modify the length of the suspension. It is important that you enter the Original Length as instructed below. Once the Original Length is correct you can modify the length using the instructions in the Discipline KB. See the 'Modifying Disposition Type or Days' section.
Incidents Screen: Open the Incident number
- Expand the student in the Student Involved section
- In the Violations section you should see a Violation Description of Weapon> with one of the following: Club/Stick, Knife 2.5"+,Martial Arts Weapon, Other Deadly Weapon
- In the Dispositions section find the ISS, OSS or E Code
- Adjust the Start Date or End Date of the suspension to make the Days equal to or greater than 30.
- Remember to use the link above to see how to modify the actual length of the suspension if you need to.

SE Student Incidents with a suspension or expulsion more than 10 days need additional data reported.
Incidents Screen: Open the Incident number; the following fields need addressed (Note: These items will be in Bold Red font and end with (SPED):
- Educational/Academic Services – If Expelled, did the student receive educational services during the expulsion? If no expulsion leave blank.
- Hearing Officer Removal - Was the student removed from their current school to an alternate educational setting for NOT MORE than 45 days by SPED Due Process Hearing Officer? Answer Yes or No. Also Add the date of the Hearing Officer Disposition.
- Transferred to Interim Alternative School (Unilateral Removal) – Was the student removed from their current school to an alternate educational setting for NOT MORE than 45 days by school personnel? Answer Y or N.
- Interim Alternative Educational Setting Name – If 2 or 3 are answered Y, enter the name of the Interim Alternative Educational Setting. Do not include commas.

If this did not solve your problem, click the Request Service button below to create a ticket.
Request Service: Synergy SIS Issues