Legal Name Change (Synergy SIS)


Legal name change for students in Synergy requires several fields to be adjusted. If all are not adjusted correctly student will not be able to access some accounts.

*This is for Legal Name changes only



  1. Open Student screen 
    1. Find Student
    2. Navigate to the MSBSD Tab
    3. Fill in the Previous Last Name, Previous First Name and change the ADID to match the new initials.
    4. Click Save.
  2. Go to the Demographics tab.
  3. click on the menu and choose Edit Student Data. 
  4. Change the name fields to match the legal documents.
  5. Correct the initials on the email field. 
  6. Go to the document tab and upload the legal documents.

NOTE: If an administrator wants to do a name change that is not a legal name change, please have them email Michelle Hoyt.



If this did not solve your problem, click the Request Service button below to work with a technician.

Request Service: Synergy SIS Issues