Legal name change for students in Synergy requires several fields to be adjusted. If all are not adjusted correctly student will not be able to access some accounts.
*This is for Legal Name changes only
- Open Student screen
- Find Student
- Navigate to the MSBSD Tab
- Fill in the Previous Last Name, Previous First Name and change the ADID to match the new initials.

- Click Save.
- Go to the Demographics tab.
- click on the menu and choose Edit Student Data.

- Change the name fields to match the legal documents.
- Correct the initials on the email field.

- Go to the document tab and upload the legal documents.
NOTE: If an administrator wants to do a name change that is not a legal name change, please have them email Michelle Hoyt.
If this did not solve your problem, click the Request Service button below to work with a technician.
Request Service: Synergy SIS Issues