Firefox Cert Resolution


When using FireFox and getting a certificate resolution error you'll need to follow the instructions below to browse normally.


  1. Download and unzip this file from ShareSuccess. Remember the location, you’ll need this later.
  2. Open FireFox and go to Menu> Options

  3. Go to “Advanced”> "Certificates" TAB> "View Certificates"

  4. Click “Import”
    1. Navigate to the location of the download from Step 1. Select “MSBSD_ROOT.cer”
    2. Click “Open”
    3. Check “Trust the CA to Idenify Websites”
    4. Click “OK”
    5. Click “OK”

  5. Restart the FireFox web browser.
  6. At this point you should be able to browse normally

If this did not solve your problem, click the Request Service button below to work with a technician.

Request Service: Other Software Issues


Article ID: 50491
Fri 3/16/18 1:05 PM
Thu 1/18/24 3:20 PM