Course Share Process


The Course Share Process is in place for students that are interested and approved to take courses at another school in MSBSD. This process applies to all High School students as well as 8th grade students that are taking courses at a High School.

Best Practices Guidelines: Maximum of 2 courses per semester, 3 with exceptions

Course share requests are now input and recorded in Synergy (as of SY24-25). Requests will be input via the Additional Schedule screen and a task notification can be prompted for registrars.



User: course

Password: courseshare

Determining Sections With Availability:

Inputting A Course Share Request (For A Student To Attend A Course At Another Site):

Monitoring Pending Course Share Requests For Your Site:

Marking A Course Share Request As Approved (Or Denied)

Monitoring Your Site Course Shares That Are Pending/Completed For Other Sites:

If this did not solve your problem, click the Request Service button below to work with a technician.

Request Service: Synergy SIS Issues