ArbiterGame iCal Feed



Use to add any combo of MSBSD Arbiter events to your calendars 

Log into ArbiterGame and navigate to the desired school

  1. Go to Settings
  2. iCal Feed
  3. Set options by including event type and filtering by Status/Team and Home/Away
  4. Click the Create Feed which generates a URL
  5. Click “Copy” to save URL to your clipboard

Open Outlook email client

  1. Open Calendar

  2. In Outlook Calendar Toolbar choose Open Calendar>From Internet

  3. Click OK on the resulting popup

  4. If you want to customize the name of the calendar choose Advanced. (It is named ArbiterSports by default, but if you download by sport or school you may want to name it specifically.) Rename the calendar, click OK and then Yes on the first screen to continue.

  5. You’ll see the new calendar appear in Outlook.



Article ID: 50485
Fri 3/16/18 4:49 PM
Thu 1/2/25 2:50 PM