Home School Procedures


This is a work in progress

  • This identifies any of the funding aspect of a home school student that MUNIS would be involved in.  Various staff will have various access in MUNIS to complete their individual tasks. 
  • Account codes identified below as XXX would be the initials of the school
  • Student account code will be as follows:  MCSA123456  

Student Enrolled

Student Enrolled

Student Allotment Budget (From previous years)(Mat-Su Central only)

Student Allotment Budget (From previous years)

Direct Vendor Payments (PO process and pay the Vendor directly)

 Direct Vendor Payments (PO process and pay the Vendor directly) 

Parent Reimbursement Payments

Parent Reimbursement Payments

P-Card Expenses

P-Card Expenses

Field Trips

Field Trips

Bulk Subscription Fees 

Bulk Subscription fees for Student Allotments 

This is defined as licensing/software subscriptions where a set amount for a subscription is paid each year, and student’s allotments are charged a fee to use the license.  License costs to the general fund must be greater (or equal) than the amount charged against student allotments as reimbursement for the license expense. 





Inventory process

Inventory process

Partial Student refund

Partial Student refund

Temporary Hold of Student Allotment Balance(s)

Hold reserves funds for future Post (expense not yet encumbered, pending or posted in ERP system to reduce balance remaining).

Unallocated Student Allotment Expenses

Unallocated Student Allotment Expenses: Student Allotment expense, but the specific student allotment project(s) to receive deduction are not known at time of expense payment

Munis/Tyler ERP Transactional Information and Reports

SSRS Reports

Project Expense Inquiry


Article ID: 144968
Wed 3/22/23 1:33 PM
Thu 1/18/24 2:06 PM