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Blackboard COPE

Once, Publish Everywhere | Blackboard Help Setup and ConnectionsSee More    Requires assistance from Call Center. Ensure that all users who will be sending the Blackboard message have

Blackboard Training Hub

Overview: Below you will find resources from Blackboard to assist you with their products and information on ADA compliance. Use the drop downs to filter for the product and your specific role

Blackboard Mass Notification Groups

Synergy Export for Blackboard.pdf ... Overview: School Administrators (typically Principals and Admin Secretaries) in Blackboard can manage school groups and assign them to any staff member assigned to their school, including teachers

Mass Notification Blackboard/Smore Integration

Overview: Smore is a simple content creation tool that lets users create gorgeous newsletters. A partnership between Blackboard & Smore brings Smore directly into the Mass Notifications messaging

Mass Notification Message Send Tips

Overview: Tips that should help Mass Notification users sending messages. You can also visit the Blackboard Help site for info on Creating and Sending Messages. Every Tuesday and Thursday

Additional Access Request

Overview: This page is for an Administrator or Admin Sec or Nurse to request access for Blackboard, Webmaster, Contractor, TripTracker, SEAS, UAP account.  Features and Benefits: If you feel

Mass Notification Import a text file with contacts

Overview: Use a list of contacts to populate your Recipients list in Blackboard.There are two scenarios: Recipients you want to message are located at your school location in MUNIS or

District Mobile App

Blackboard messages sent from the District or Schools. You will see a purple icon with red numbers indicating unread messages. You can adjust your phone notification settings so MSBSD app will show push

Summer School Setup

Staff/User access Sections/Rooms - upload file with Section numbers, room (by school), teacher OLR or Lottery Setup Listing of Graduated seniors returning for ESY - upload list of students Lenel access Blackboard setup. (Only available when program is in Synergy)

Mass Notification Message Tracking

Overview: This KB will guide you in tracking messages sent from Blackboard. Generate Report: Choose parameters and generate report. Generally just date range. Click on the message you


Notification, Comments on ParentVUE & Emailing Tips See More 1. Notify parents from the actions dropdown 2. Add a comment that will show up on ParentVUE.  3. Email using Blackboard by exporting Student ID

Other software issues

Barracuda Blackboard Buzz Clever CrisisGo DataCove Frontline Google Khan Academy KnowBe4 Lanschool Lexia Library

Teacher Messaging

Overview: See Blackboard's Teacher Messaging help - Community Engagement Help for Teachers | Blackboard Help Teacher Messaging is a Blackboard product that enables teachers to communicate

Generic Ticket

further detail on the software.  AIMSWeb APEX Arbiter Barracuda Blackboard Buzz Clever CrisisGo DataCove Frontline Google

Mass Notification Library Templates

Blackboard Mass Notification Library Templates 1.png ... Overview: Pre-made templates for school message, date reminder, and newsletter. District-wide templates are available for Mass Notification users, under the MSBSD category. Templates are